Monday, 13 October 2014

Doug Wilson - Special story about Room 14

We have been on an incredible journey this year with a fantastic NZ author we have become friendly with – Doug Wilson (the author of the Tom Hassler series).  It all started in Term 2 when we read one of his Tom Hassler stories and emailed him and told him how much we loved his story!  He then responded and answered our questions, and then came and visited us – to meet us and talk about what it was like to be an author.  He then was so inspired by meeting us and our enthusiasm for his writing that he created a novel about us!  It is a tale about us going on a school camp when an evil organisation takes over the district of Waikato and we have to save the day!  We read it as a shared story and each of us had a part to play!  We loved the story about us.  Doug then told us that he was sending it to his editor, to perfect and clarify the story.  He also check that each student had a part and were mentioned in the novel.

Today we had another email from Doug, to tell us that the special story he wrote about Room 14 has been sent to the publisher!  Woohoo, we are now waiting for a response from them, but have our fingers and toes crossed that they love it and are keen to publish it for the NZ market.  Doug has also said that if it does get published he would be happy to print 100 copies, with a fine tweak to make the school Vardon, to give to our school as a donation to use or sell how we saw fit, and with our class doing the cover art for this one off micro launch.  How exciting is that!!!!! We will now wait with baited breath to hear back from the publisher – we will let you know how we get on!

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