Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Brain Breaks

Last term I trailed using brain breaks to break up my teaching lessons and help to elevate children getting 'stale'at their desks.
Using physical activity challenges in the classroom helps children be ready to learn and remember information better. Physical movement increases blood flow bringing more oxygen to the brain and leads to improved concentration. Brain breaks can be used to energize a group after lunch or relax and calm a class before a test, or to break a block up before you start a new lesson. Well-developed breaks can help students stretch, develop flexibility, improve coordination, and gain focus for the next lesson.
The idea is to provide some moderate activity that gets the blood pumping so form and skill are not the focus of activity breaks. Some movements can also incorporate core academic concepts. 
During term 1 I gave a whole bunch of brain breaks a go to see which the class liked the best.  These ranged from movement actions and stretching at their desks, moving around the room and high fiving 5 classmates and songs.  Overall, the kids loved them all, but their favourites seem to be songs with actions.  Their favourite being the 'shark song' which i have posted below.

This term i'd like to try some other brain breaks and also get feedback from the kids and see what brain breaks they like the best.  Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly received!


  1. Hi Elysia

    I also think brain breaks are a great way to take a break and also to introduce a 'fun break"between learning.
    I have used a few at the start of the year and find the kids also love the dance breaks better than just stretches or movements. Both are good to use!

    Here are a few I have found.

    If the link above doesn't work let me know.

    1. These are great. i will give them a whirl and will let you know how we get on!

  2. PS- the baby shark song is great. It's funny as well... no wonder the kids love it!
