Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Hello and welcome to a new school year for 2013, we've got an exciting year planned so it's great to get stuck in and started!
My school year started the last week of the holidays, with a trip to Wellington to the International Thinking Conference with 6 other teachers from our school.  What a fantastic experience!  I enjoyed every moment of the conference and learnt something from every presenter I went to.  We heard from some amazing great ‘thinkers’ such as Michael Pohl and Edward Debono and gained much, not only from listening to them but also from talking and discussing what we heard from with each other.  We’ve come back to school with so many ideas to implement and to share with the rest of the staff.  One of the most important things that I got out of the whole thing is that teachers need to have a balance between school and leisure time.  Because if you spend all your time working and don’t have that balance; then you can’t be at your best, relaxed and happy for your students.  Makes total sense, so a goal for this year is to ensure I spent my down time on the things that really matter and make a difference for my students learning.  I look forward to implementing and starting this goal tomorrow on Waitangi Day!  Great having a Wednesday off during the term!


  1. Hi Elysia
    I am really please that your week at the Thinking Conference has given you some great goals and ideas to try... I look forward to hearing some more indepth thoughts over the coming term.

    I like the challenge you have set yourself regarding your work/leasure balance! Keep on hitting the gym!! You will be (even) better for it!!


    1. Hi Myra,

      Thank you for your comment! Yes the Thinking Conference was amazing! I really got a lot from it. One of the most important things i think i got was comments from the likes of Tony Ryan about having a balance between home and school, and having passion in what you do. I also really loved the workshop given by David Koutsoukis, it taught me so much about myself. Im really looking forward to sharing this with you at the workshop Danielle and i are sharing with the staffroom. i hope it's as eye opening for you too.

  2. Hi Elysia

    I am also really excited to action the new learning we got from ICOT. Every session was jam packed with new ideas and things to think about. I was regularly reflecting on my own teahcing practice and 'thinking' what I could add, change, get rid of and really think hard about!

    Did you manage to have the whole of Waitangi day off? It's a great goal to set for yourself this year. I think balance of work and leisure can be hard to do sometimes so it will be good to hear how you go(so I can 'hitch-hike' your leave work at school plan!)


    1. Hi Marce,

      thanks for your comment, my head is still buzzing about ICOT. we've got so busy already back at work, it can get crazy aye! im going sit down again this weekend and go through my notes again and see what else i can implement. im going to give those 4 personality cards a go in my class this week, will be interesting to see what results i get! What have you implemented in your class? Anything new yet? How is it going?
      How are you finding your ipad? how have you used this? Look forward to hearing about your ideas regarding this :)


    2. Hi Elysia

      From ICOT13 I have thought about what I am teaching and how I am really motivating my class and making them care about their learning. I've only gone through my notes once so really need to make this a habit! I am going to try the personality types activity and cards that you and Danielle have implemented. I think that will work really well in my class.
      I'm loving the iPad in my class. My class have used it (an app called Pic Collage) to create collages of swimming and learning.
      Not long until we all have an iPad and then we'll learn and grow together!

