Tuesday, 29 April 2014

New Reading Learning in Room 14

During this holidays I have spent a great deal of time anaylising my reading data and looking at my lower learners of reading to see the areas where they were lacking.  My lower 4 students really lack in thier comprehension skills.  So this term I thought I  would trial a programme I read about online to see if this increases their comprehension ability. 

The RISE Menu System has been designed to encourage higher level reading comprehension skills in a fun, meaningful and very simple way:

R - Retell
I - Infer
S - Synthesize
E - Envision and Connect

Reading is thinking and understanding text.   This programme helps focus your reading instruction on what really matters: Higher Level Comprehension.

Using this menu system and the included response sheets to give students the instruction and guided practice that they need to develop comprehension skills.

The RISE Menu and response sheets are a perfect springboard for students to discuss their reading with each other, deepening their understanding even further!