Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Term 3 Reflection

Wow, what another super busy term!  I can’t believe how much we have crammed into this short term. 

·         Gymsport competition
·         Cross country
·         Pastel art
·         QR codes
·         Cultural Evening
·         Speeches
·         Children finding out more about their personal identity
Goals for term 4:

·         Have a go with Movie maker.  This was something I wanted to trial this term, but there just wasn’t enough time.  I’m thinking that I will use this to show our learning in either reading or in for our science learning in kitchen chemistry.

·         Start looking and my year 5’s and give them opportunities to take on leadership roles in our room

·         RP: this hasn’t been consistent and timetabled due to pressures and so much going on.  I want this to a non negotiable for next term for a couple of reasons.  Firstly because they are a great way for my class to bond, and secondly due to the nature of term 4 i think it will be essential to have time at least once a week for us to gather and remind each other about why we are such as strong team.