Tuesday, 4 December 2012

End of Year Reflection

Wow!  Can you believe it's December already!!!  What a year it’s been.  In reflection of my ICT journey this year, i believe that i am much more confident with the ICT technology that i have and feel more confident in getting students using this technology to show their learning and to celebrate their successes.  I also have more confidence in begin able to help students if something goes wrong on their blogs – i.e. a post isn’t loading or they have lost their work – whereas last year i would have been suck on how to help them find their work again.  I have found i am also instantly planning for ICT things within my planning programmes.

Goals for next year:
Use the interactive whiteboard more effectively for learning
Learn and use more programmes and apps to showcase students learning on their blogs
Incorporate the ipod/ipad technology into my planning and learning programmes